English Language Outing 2018
On Thursday May 3rd 2018 the students and volunteer tutors of the Edmund Rice Centre went on their annual outing. The destination this year was Fota Wildlife Park near Cobh, Co. Cork.
After a pleasant journey through the Waterford and East Cork countryside (picking up Srs. Colette and Ena in Dungarvan), we finally arrived at Fota. The group spent two hours walking through the expansive grounds viewing the animals and birds.
We then assembled near the restaurant area for a picnic and for photos. While we were here one of the students got the good news that her residency request had been granted. There was great rejoicing!
We must also mention the weather. The forecast was for rain. On our way we encountered showers and on the return journey there was a thick mist, but while we were in Fota not a drop of rain fell! This of course made the day very pleasant.
A word of thanks to Jenny Egan who organised the day, and to the people of Fota who gave us very favourable rates, and our patient Bus Driver, Pat.