2010 got off to a flying start for ISU Teenage Integration (T.I) group. The monthly Teenage Integration sessions have seen increased attendance with both old and new faces making an appearance (very recently are some young people from Carrick on Suir joining the group). These sessions focus on games, they are more about having fun, being creative and making friends, and everyone was excited about Waterford Youth Arts last month (March) joining us to teach drama.
Some of the Teenage Integration members participated in a poster competition set out by the UN, to coincide with their updated ‘Rights of a Child’ publication. These individuals were very creative and their poster has been submitted to the competition along with others from youth groups all over Ireland and Europe.
The ISU Outreach Worker organised Easter activities Programme in March for children under 10 years old in Birchwood House in Waterford and Bridgewater House in Carrick-On-Suir. The activities included dancing, games and Easter egg hunts. ISU volunteers were integral part of its success.
The ISU has been involved in local secondary schools both in hosting Open Day for Youth Service providers and Teenage Integration workshops. The Open Day was a chance for all youth services in Waterford to showcase their clubs and activities, it proved very popular with young people. Several schools have benefitted from this initiative, such as Mount Sion Secondary, Presentation Secondary, Waterpark College, Ursline Secondary and St Pauls Community College.
A small group of 12-14 year olds from the Teenage Integration club participated in Team Challenges organised by Waterford Sports Partnership. The challenges included orienteering in Kennedy Park, athletics and even archery.
ISU Teenage Integration group enjoyed another visit by Waterford Youth Arts in May. The session involved storytelling, acting and games, and a good time was had by all. The ISU would like to extend their thanks again to Waterford Youth Arts for their continued support.
Four boys from the Teenage Integration group also took centre stage at the Africa Day event by playing African drums, and several young ladies modelled in the fashion show.